Secure financial compensation for you and your family by filing a mesothelioma claim. Our locally based Kentucky mesothelioma lawyers will fight to ensure you recover the maximum compensation quickly.
Because our lawyers are in Kentucky, know Kentucky law, and know where and how Kentucky residents asbestos exposure happened, we maximize the amounts you may recover.
Here are some examples of what we have recovered for Kentucky mesothelioma victims, even if the asbestos exposure happened years ago in another state.
We have decades of experience in Kentucky. Our legal team has recovered hundreds of millions for mesothelioma victims and their families. We do the work and manage the legal process to minimize your family stress and make sure it does not interfere with treatment.
We only get paid if we win so there is no risk to you. We Can Help. Call us for a Free Consultation.
Over ⅓ of Mesothelioma cases are veterans exposed to asbestos in the Navy, at a shipyard, or while using other military products that contain asbestos. Your claim is NOT against the U.S. Government or Military. It is against the asbestos manufacturers.
Receive this Free Mesothelioma packet overnight. It includes information on filing an asbestos claim, new treatment options, and the best doctors and hospitals in Kentucky (and nationwide). Get this FREE Mesothelioma packet now.